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"I Am You"

I Am You

By Steffen Rowe
May 17, 2017

I am you. I am a visionary leader of the new age. My decisions impact the lives of millions of people as I willingly accept the responsibility of a new benevolent financial system. My ideals are fortified and my vision is fluid as I recognize my power and release my limitations. I have survived bondage and I have freed my mind. I do not take for granted this precious gift afforded me by our spiritual benefactors. I boldly take this next step forward refusing to look back. I shake off my former identity as a slave to debt, fear, and worry. I embody an attitude of quiet confidence, embracing a lifestyle that empowers me to lead in a way that serves the greater good while still being humble and open to correction. The endeavor ahead will be not to amass more wealth but to distribute that wealth to those in need, expeditiously, using discernment, and with the support of an excellent team. My life is driven by purpose and my plans are precise. I recognize the need to not only put to use my own wealth but to support others to do the same. I embrace my role as a philanthropic conduit for creative giving, an engineer of impact investing, and a unifying source for benevolent business practice. I am dedicated to changing the perception, execution, and reality of successful business practices and philanthropy. I influence the development of new technologies, products, and services; mass media; health care; and art and music. I establish organizations that measure their success based on the quality of their projects and the impact they have on people and the planet. My practice is driven by the relentless pursuit of spiritual integration with impactful idealism to manifest infinite possibilities. I am a creator of change, a testimony of integrity, and an ambassador of truth. In the execution of this mission, I know who I am. And I stand strongly upon the foundation of that being. I am you. TANK

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